
The Image of Jesus

Romans 8:29


brian zahnd

Is Jesus Nicer Than God: How Do We Understand God’s Wrath?

Introduction: This article will be on the subject of God's wrath and retribution. It is a continuation of a four-part series on the subjects of partial preterism, God's sovereignty (determinism/Calvinism/Augustinianism), God's love (free will/Arminianism/Pelagianism), God getting what He wants (apokatastasis/universalism/reconciliation),... Continue Reading →

Resources for Those Interested in (Hopeful) Christian Universalism

I've sprinkled some of my thoughts on my understanding of eschatology over several of the last few articles. Part of that eschatology is my leaning towards hopeful Christian universalism. My understanding of "hopeful Christian universalism" is that it is the... Continue Reading →

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